4 comments on “DEW and Laser Weapons are Being Used Against the American People

  1. 0 thoughts on “Our Missing History: Mud Floods, Giants, Free Electricity, Depopulation, and Lies [videos]”
    February 21, 2019 at 2:33 pm
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    Staggering , Staggering yes. The deep vast increible implications of all this. Now it makes more sense to me. Why the Fed Reserve getting set up in 1913 meant so much. I knew it was a bad thing…..but I always reasoned, slavery and central banking and more existed well before 1913. But now im rethinking this and thinking so many Royal Historians past and present and anthropologists, Like Sir Vernon Bogdanor, Mary Beard, and many others too who work with the BBC. ”Constitutional History Experts. Are evil lying t””s, basically. Can we please ad Sir David Attenborough to this list as well please.
    adamspiritualwarrior says:
    February 21, 2019 at 2:22 PM
    ”From 7,000 years ago to the 1900s, Tartarian people mined Keweenaw copper at Michigan, US, to provide raw material for domes and coils throughout the world. Its fusion with tin created the bronze that allowed primitive Europe to enter into the modernity that had existed for a long time in territories of Tartary.
    From the half of the 1900s, the ”Gray Men” would sent their agents to exterminate Tartarians in “New India” (North America)
    Copper ingots used in the Middle East and Europe complex were mined and molted in facilities in the Americas.
    According to American Indian oral tradition, copper was mined by “red haired white-skinned ‘marine men’ who came from across the sea”. And mines of Almaden in Spain, Huancavelica in Peru and New Almaden in California, provided the mercury.
    Copper and tin was used extensively, even in helmets, to power plasma (DEW) weapons and to obtain wireless communication.
    And iron foundries were the backbone of the world industry until they disappeared in the Great 19th century Catastrophe. ”


  2. What the people running this planet have done to maintain their iron grip over the population is shocking, and the evidence in the videos below may render you verklempt, as I was.
    The sheer greed and ruthlessness is staggering.

    We have learned that entire swaths of the population of our planet were fairly recently extinguished.
    We see recent advanced cities with free electric power and stunning architecture buried partially or completely under mud. Hence, the “mud flood”.
    You will see that it is only the top few stories of buildings that are used in some cases because the bulk of them are under soil. Many have been excavated and the grandeur of these edifices is unlike anything I’ve ever seen.

    You will see air ships and electric cars. Interesting how the cars disappeared, reappeared again and were squashed in favour of the automobiles that require gas and oil to run.
    You will see giant doors, giant guns and giant-sized musical instruments we can’t even lift.
    You will see beautiful cities illuminated by street lights, and cities devoid of people. The star forts built worldwide are breathtaking in their design.
    To suggest as they have that many of the spectacular buildings were only temporary; built solely for the World’s Fair and then demolished is a real whopper.
    You will see the orphan trains they brought to distribute new, young populations to the cities they decimated; children with no memory of how things were, and who would soon forget any other reality existed.

    You will see evidence of fireballs or comets some say were directed energy weapons. In some videos we have seen giants that appear to have been turned to stone.
    You will see people boating down their streets because the city was completely flooded; cities devoid of trees.
    We are seeing evidence of similar cataclysms and extreme weather events now and have been told to prepare. Were they planning another global “reset” to eliminate the dissidents and people who know too much?

    I don’t consider it a “coincidence” that Earth seems to be traveling through a “debris field” loaded with “meteorites” again, or experiencing floods, hail, landslides, historic cold and heat, volcanoes, chasms, unprecedented snowfall, fires, tsunamis, earthquakes or any other abnormal events. Is the “grand solar minimum” really causing all of this?
    Are there benevolent forces mitigating what the controllers are really trying to unleash on our planet? One has to wonder. I think we’re getting a taste of what they can do if they choose, as threats to those who are working to take them down.

    What is plain when we examine the little historical data and images we do have, is that we have been lied to in the most colossal fashion; lies so monstrous many won’t believe it could be done to “intelligent” Human beings. All it takes is a generation or two to change the narrative and drop blocks of history into oblivion.

    I do know that no mention of this was in my history books throughout my education; no mention of Tartaria, giants, mud floods, star forts, electromagnetic energy from the ethers for power, electric cars, depopulation or repopulation. No one told us about the murder.
    There is enough evidence in the following two videos alone to enable anyone to connect enough dots to see what happened and why.
    The knowledge that we will never, ever see or enjoy the advanced, magnificent civilization that came before which you will see in the videos below generates a deep sense of loss from my perspective. ~ CB

    Our Missing History: Mud Floods, Giants, Free Electricity, Depopulation, and Lies [videos]

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