9 comments on “As The Perfect Storm Approaches, Most Americans Are Partying Instead Of Preparing

  1. Earthians are a totally irrational species. First they live as if nature was there enemy doing all in their power to destroy it and living in artificial bubbles called cities, then when confronted with the insanity of their lifestyle, i.e., when their support grid fails they still expect to somehow survive because nature will take care of them as it does other non-human wildlife. Even if nature was amenable to such help it could not because the Earthian creature is an artificial lifeform that does not understand anything at all about interacting properly with the natural aspects of its environment.


    • Sean at SGT Report has a fascinating discussion with Crow777, the vlogger who brought us that freaky “lunar wave” video. He has some additional information for us that is divergent from the traditional paradigm. Reality for the big kids.


    • Snippets of thoughts about worldwide Tartarian civiisation. I may have made a mistake about the flooding of the mediterranean 300 yrs ago, or maybe it was very recent. but the truth about the mediterranean flooding will come to light soon.


      Adam Spiritualwarrior Baalbek is turning out to be an important epicentre of our recent history, only a few centuries, than I ever ever imagined. Too complex to explain here. But it’s looking like the Greco Roman civilisation 2000 years ago is fiction lies. A made up civilisation. All the Royal societies now for history, science, their whole reason for being is to promote the Big Lie. Buildings in Rome and the Vatican need to be viewed in a totally new light now. They were Tartarian buildings and guess what. The Anerican gold rush 19 th century is a lie. The Anerican Revolution was a cover pretext to hide and demolish the most revealing Tartarian structures though much remains. In tge 1600s for example, ALL NORTH AMERICA WAS COVERED IN TARTARIAN SUPERCITIES WITH THE MOST GORGEOUS ADVANCED ARCHITECTURE. San Francisco and Chicago just too, equalling anything in st Petersburg today. I’m now doubting the truth of Burkes Peerage and English history. I think a scrubbing rewriting of recent history has happened so recently. I’m staggered. And the Crimean war ww1, ww2, and Russian and Chinese Rothschild created ‘revolutions’ are all tying in here and making sense., I haven’t lost my mind. Many people are discussing worldwide Tartaria and the 19th century Mudflood as well. The San Francisco Workd Fair 100 yrs ago was a ridicukous lie cover.

      Oh and another snippet. Maps of North America as recently as the 1600s. Show NO GREAT LAKES and CALIFORNA WAS AN ISLAND AND NEVADA WAS THE COAST. And loads of cities and towns. Also. You know those ‘Mormon’ buildings in Salt Lake City? Tartarian and free energy generators. Salt Lake wasn’t in recent maps. Phoenicians from Baalbek (Baal), had advanced technology as energy weaponry and the GREAT LAKES AND SALT LAKE PLUS SPLITTING OF GIBRALTAR FLOODING TGE MEDITERRANEAN happened as recently as 300 yrs ago or less. Gbraltars a ‘British colony’ remember. Bermudas interestng too as is the entire North American East coast. Oh and btw. ‘Mormonism’ is actually satanism hiding in plain site and Mitt Romney a satanist evil from involved with the Bushes. And as well, the salting of the Salt Lake seemed to be done deliberately for bad reasons plus the oceans. All the Royal Societies can now fuck off, in my view. Sorry for the language.


      • You make it sound as if we are living in a cartoon world and maybe we are. For me it’s simply accepting that time and space are artificial concepts and manipulable by adepts. As we become more aware and mentally evolved; as we move out of Matrix control, our “world” takes on many different shapes and shades. We don’t see or think linearly any longer but for the enslaved linear minds, all this stuff you talk about is totally meaningless. They can only see what the Matrix shows them, just as in the movie, The Matrix. It’s all based on programming. Once that breaks down, hey, anything goes for the self empowered, self motivated individual who is no longer a member of the sheeple herd. Believe all things, believe in nothing.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Dear me dear me. Can it be true what hes saying here?!!.
      Jeff Beck
      3 months ago (edited)

      Gov’t videos of nuclear weapons have been proven to be fake. So nuclear weapons are fake. They do not exist. Nuclear Power Plants also do not exist. Those are most likely power dump stations where they take all the excess electricity from the air and jet turbine power plants and use it for other evil purposes. Perhaps making very hard materials, who knows. It certainly does not go to waste. Cities run on batteries. You have to have batteries in the circuit to even out the load, so you can feed stable power to the homes and businesses, etc. After charging all the batteries that power the city, the excess power goes to the power dump station to do evil things. Aaron Dover speculates that batteries power cities, and he showed a video of exactly that. It was a city in Utah that installed a giant battery to decrease brown outs. NYC has battery park made of reclaimed land. Watch Aaron Dover No Floors Matters.

      The Twin Towers HAD NO FLOORS. They were an energy mast and a giant capacitor is the only logical conclusion. They had no floors, and no offices. Aaron provides a mountain of evidence to this fact. He’s got a pic of the elevator buttons which only had a ground floor, one intermediate floor in the middle where you had to change elevators, and a top restaurant floor, with a satanic masonic ballroom below that, It had no people in the lobby. It was empty and creep with a few people at the reception, and with a 7 floor tall lobby that was this creep giant cavernous place. It made no sense. They had razor wire on the top floor so you could not somehow go out and see that it had no floors. Why else would you have razor wire up there? No other reason possible. Aaron Dover was the best researcher of all time. Watch all his vids. I did and it took 2 months. It is even more interesting than mud flood


    • Open mind: considering whats emerging now about how earth was COVERED in Trtarian Free Energy supercities, star fortresses in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Australia, Siberia, NZ. This below might actually be very possible but i will be staggered and shocked if it is. But theyve lied about so much. Maybe the truth of volcanoes too?
      The Wonders At Your Feet
      6 days ago

      old slag heaps get very hot inside after time and become molten on inside and combust. ‘volcanoes’ are man made from metal industry. and a cover up for a large mining and quarrying operation that took place in the past that they told you nature formed over thousands or millions of years. even the grand canyon is a hoax. just an old quarry


    • Heres my reply train of thought to a friend in response to what I posted earlier

      Leaving aside that persons youtube comment. The Jon Levi video is very good, I think hes a very honest researcher, not just his tartaria investigations, but this one too. he has a voice that almost sends me to sleep and has nice music on too. Its beginning to really make sense to me , that today they are pulling limitless energy in secret, all the sjyscapers and other buildings everywhere.

      Considering how they’ve lied so much , and pushed fear of radiation in our faces, and the Hollywood Streep Silkwood movie. And much more.
      It wouldn’t surprise me now that plutonium and uranium can be easily handled, and the reason for all the fear surrounding it meaning we cant handle it. Is because they are natural free energy rocks.

      I read an interesting comment on The Blue , Marcia FB tartary researcher page. She replied to someone about mercury, since they used mercury in the domes with antennas on top. She said when she was a girl, in Russia I think. Her grandfather installed mercury in the attic to bring electricity in for the home. She said he even let her hold mercury balls in her hands. He said it wasn’t dangerous, but to keep it away from any gold rings, as mercury causes gold to break. Im beginning to seriously think , that fukushima is not toxic at all , and this Winsor man who lectured about the fake nuclear power stations. My antenna has sensed something going on here.


    • Sarah Tonen
      2 months ago (edited)

      agreed. even the crowds at the world fairs seem all wrong. unnaturally formed, all moving in the same direction in large orderly queues. not like families or smaller groups of people who are curious and excited about a big event, but like large swathes of people all doing as they were told
      the crowd seems very off here too.. i don’t like crowds so maybe that’s more of a personal judgement but do they seem unnaturally dense to anyone else? like they had lots of people but limited space to stand in…
      it does seems staged…. at 4:11 the woman holding the obscured child’s hand is soaking wet in street clothes, nobody else is wet in their street clothes.. so so bizarre

      1 second ago

      Youre right. I didn’t realise what it was at first as my mind wanted to be going down the track this is a normal day at the beach. But its not, it seems staged, eerie, unnatural. Like they were all bussed in. After this reset, this huge event in the 19th century leaving all these vacant buildings. Who were these people? Orphans who were taken after the reset, and many here have now become adults? Are all adults walking about 100 years ago, orphans from Tartaria, even if they came over on the boat from England?

      What im driving at is……the ”elite” families who came on the scene, the powerful familes, the Walmart, woolworths, the rothchilds, and everybody else. Where did THEY come from? Because THEY, must have had knowledge about the real state of affairs. Of advanced weaponry being used and how they all moved in, the Rockefellers and Warburgs and also the English aristocrats too. But my point is WHERE DID THOSE PEOPLE COME FROM? These strange criminal parasites who took over buildings, but also demolished those beautiful starfortress White Cities and many other beautiful buildings.

      Its like some alien race in human form came on the scen in the last 200 or 300 years out of nowhere. The uncomfortable point im driving at is, do any of these elite parasites today, are they natural biological human? Do they have sex and have babies? or is this strange ruthless sly predator group that’s come on the scene in the last 300 years……have the come from underground bases perhaps and are they ALL TO THIS DAY originating from cloning labs? I ask this question because things feel really strange.


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