5 comments on “Escobar: The Neocons Want War With China

      • I believe that most of these Neocon imbeciles still think it’s 1995 and Boris Yeltsins is still in power. Though they are definitely evil, I believe their problem is more about their ignorance of history and geography with a whole slop pail of stupid to go along with their other attributes.

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      • They know what they are doing because they have the best data and knowledge of what is going on. They refuse to give us the truth. They twist the truth in order to fool us into believing their lies. The gig is up. The world is fed up with this corrupt evil empire.


      • I’m not sure they know what they are doing. Any rational person would step back from a military defeat for their proxies and an economic defeat for themselves. Yet, these bumbling jackasses keep doubling down on their idiocy. How many times can you do the same thing with terrible results before you realize maybe, it’s the wrong move?


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