14 comments on “ Meet the Nephilim: A Hybrid species that inhabited Earth

  1. Ah, the infamous Nephilim. Who were they? There’s a simple, obvious, explanation for this bit of history… or is it histrionics? Take away religious misdirection; fantasizing and romance, and get to work studying Zecharia Sitchin’s research into the Sumerian records. One: a race of alien beings, the Anunnaki, landed on earth to mine gold (or whatever) some 500,000 years ago and they stayed here for a very long time, working away until they discovered that the planet’s environment was inimical to their longevity. Their workers rebelled; there was a strike and work stopped. Two: the Anunnaki head honchos, Enlil, Enki and others decided to clone a slave worker to do the mining, etc. Three: Homo Sapiens was invented and put to work. Four: these slaves didn’t take care of themselves and died – a very expensive problem. Five: female slaves to take care of the male slaves were then cloned (hence why “Adam” came first, then “Eve” in the record and for the record and also why misogyny exists here: men became the “gods” and slave owners of women.) Six: Cloning was slow and expensive. Enki with reluctant permission from Enlil, made a new type of fertile female clone capable of giving birth. Anunnaki men working on the planet lusted after the pretty little human females and began to use them as sex-slaves from which came progeny of mixed blood – Anunnaki/Earthian. This progeny was the Nephilim. (It is my belief that the A’s had a bluish blood, hence the term “blue bloods” that stuck to royalty through the centuries. Probably the Nephilim also had a blue-tinged blood, unlike the typical red mammalian blood of earth creatures. Speculation, an aside comment.)

    The Nephilim were unusually large and highly intelligent. The Anunnaki turned against the Nephilim because they feared them; their knowledge of A technology; their skills in building and maintaining space craft; their understanding of Earthian and Nibiruan politics, etc. The Nephilim were exiled to what is now Central and South America (or they escaped there). Wars raged, N’s versus A’s, and men took part in those wars on the side of their “gods” – the A’s. The Nephilim couldn’t survive because they were sterile. They had A’s longevity so their remnants lasted a long time. There are images of men killing giants, or battling giants all over the planet. Stories of these giants exist also everywhere.

    It was put in man’s DNA to fear his creators hence why it’s so easy, even today, for elites to hide history from man; to create false histories and brainwash people into “believing.” Believing and living in denial are man’s default condition. Until that programming is completely extracted, nothing can change here. Man remains a slave to his “gods” – whether they be of the visible variety, or the invisible. Man needs to believe that he can manipulate or control his gods, his Systems, and use them to bring change. Man is a mouse that insists cats are loving, caring, benevolent entities and if they can be elevated as gods, then worshipped, they will bless the mice with prosperity, long life and eternal life thereafter. Good luck with that one.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Sha Tara ive not forgotton your comment on my blog but heres unrelated streams of thoughts on other matters. Great potted analysis you’ve written thanks above, to help me make sense get an overview. Things were certainly f***ing freaky in our past, whatevers happened! I’m reading through a bibliotecapleiades annunaki and tree of creation article too.

      Heres a quick question for you
      – Bearing in mind, obviously SOMETHING has happened in our past, like you’ve described. The Sitchin version. But what niggles at me is. Because Sitchin was so prominent in the 20th century, translated, sold many books, promoted. Had offices in the Rockefeller building in New York. Was I think a Freemason and I think Jewish too. And that on the internet, certain people such as Joseph Farrell and others , don’t think Sitchin translated things correctly, whether intentional or not.

      My question is: My 6th sense is telling me that yet again, there could be a pattern of Rockefeller NASA deception in this story. The trouble is I don’t know what it could be any ideas?

      – At a guess stab in the dark. I’m wondering if its just a continuation of ‘He who wrties the history books is the winner’ type of thing?

      – Might our 13 bloodline current elites, have used the Sitchin narrative to whitewash over other things, interaction with other Star People for example?

      – For example this is a great post from Lou https://talesfromtheloublog.wordpress.com/2015/11/23/guided-by-aliens-ancient-tribe-shames-nasa-by-revealing-unknown-star-system/
      And the Dogon describe a time when Sirius was much closer to earth visible with the naked eye, and it was a happy time, interacting and sharing things with them. They were sad when the Sirian star people had to leave.

      – My point is I’m wondering if this was a happy golden time before the Annunaki Nephilim Enoch escapades on our planet?

      – I did see a Santos Bonacci youtube somewhere, we he describes clearly, our sun and Sirius are intertwined, and get closer to each other then further away. And we are now at the time which is a great golden age again, where the two are coming closer.

      Jumbled thoughts but I thought id throw them at you 🙂

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  2. Hey Adam, I like to throw stuff out if I think it could help someone think outside the usual box. Nothing is true, and that’s a fact 🙂 There is no such thing as “the truth” but in amongst the endless lies the discerning individual can find food for thought, as you are doing. Was Sitchin wrong? Most likely. However many other researchers have come close to the same conclusions he drew. Did he have a personal agenda? Certainly, I’ve read about that too. He wasn’t an actual Jew though, but he was a Palestinian. Having said that, should we discount anything coming “from a Jew” by assuming that all Jews are de-facto Israelites, and Zionists with an agenda of world conquest and control? Hmmmm…. Aren’t we now falling into the same trap as the Nazis?
    Here’s something to muddy the waters ever more: there was a “happy golden time” for this world, but it wasn’t “on” this particular world, it was on a planet more than twice the size of earth before earth existed. It was called Tiamat. A watery world inhabited by strange, large but peaceful creatures, the forebears of earth’s dinosaurs and whales. There also was a race of pseudo-humans: the mer people, who lived in the waters of Tiamat. I remember a life as one of those in many amazing details and I can easily described what we looked like – not like Disney’s little mermaid!
    Tiamat was involved in a galactic struggle for control and lost. The world was attacked by planet-destroying weaponry, split in two and half of it shattered into small fragments, the other “half” with some waters remaining to it became what we now live on. The war against Tiamat never ended, it simply continued on earth and… here we are, ignorant, dummied down, unknowing and believing in ancient deities as saviours and destoyers and all the rest of earth’s implausible history and impossible drama. (Note that the word “Imp” describing the little prankster demons of earth, including the makers of “Murphy’s Law” is contained in the world “impossible.” Fun stuff learning to connect the dots…)
    So we can believe anything we want, it only matters if we choose to believe IN it. When we do this we give it permission and the power to control our mind and order us around, telling us what we may, or may not, believe. It’s called faith. Google is playing with that very concept right now, hoping to become the new “divine” force telling people, from the heights of Mount Google what they can, or cannot, believe in. Again, note that the name “Google” is another name for “God.” I jokingly refer to the word “Google” as “God’s Goggles” which means, God’s viewpoint and directive. We may not currently live under the Spanish Inquisition but nothing in essence, ever changes: it’s all about mind control.
    As to the Sirian agenda, all I can say is, remember that Twilight Zone episode, “To Serve Man” and the famous line, “It’s a cookbook!”? Since my 20 years under the tutelage of “the Teachers” I’ve learned this about anything, or anyone, purporting to have been friends of mankind, or pretending to be friends: they’re all liars. People (and this earth) carry an energy from the days of Tiamat that attracts universal predators. Some, like Yaweh (or YHWH) are butal genocidal murderers and some wear the kid’s gloves and the smiling faces, but they’re all, bar none, predators. The only trustworthy entity that wants what you want is you; can only be you. Hence discernment through self-empowerment.

    Liked by 2 people

    • OMG you’ve just blown my mind again with what you’ve said and ive not even studied the whole comment yet! This, and your WW2 memories from the reincarnation post. It is truly mindblowing and a privilege to be talking to you ShaTara

      It seems you have the ability to exist in day to day life, drinking a grolsch, learning lifes lessons,
      watching the sunset, having breakfast, going to the shops. And yet you have all these previous life memories too. Its like you have naturally accessed, what the QHHT practioners help their clients to access during sessions, not just traumas from previous lives to release, but as the session progresses, interact directly with their Higher Self! If time and money allows I might go for a Qhht session in October, if I can.

      Its amazing you have full memories of all these lives, yet in this life youve had all the regular experiences to reflect on, falling in love, and losing, learning that actually compassionate love is way more important than the unpredictable double edged sword of of romantic erotic love which i agree with you.
      Compassion is what rules, and must come first. Compassionate love. Leading with any other type of love , is to be lead by..unpredictable demonic forces, mindblowing as they can be.
      However I do hold out hope I can find someone special where deep liking, respect, deep spiritual understanding for each other, and compassion leads the relationship. And then with that foundation. Exquisite romantic and erotic sweetness can follow in the secure confines of a marriage bond.

      Sorry ive digressed from what I wanted to say. It seems you have cracked, eliminated the fear of death. Because you remember past lives. Therefore with memory retained. That’s true immortality and therefore why should we fear death, as long as we can remember this life? Its memories, that count.

      The only problem with death therefore, from what I can see. Is if it means goodbye to loved ones, family, wife, etc, friends. If ir means we are to not meet them again. In that sense, I can see that even if we are immortal like you are, by remembering past lives while BEING ALIVE NOW RELAXING DRINKING A GROLSCH. It still seems a sad lonely road if it means you remember loved ones and have no way of meeting them again.

      ”It was called Tiamat. A watery world inhabited by strange, large but peaceful creatures, the forebears of earth’s dinosaurs and whales. There also was a race of pseudo-humans: the mer people, who lived in the waters of Tiamat. I remember a life as one of those in many amazing details and I can easily described what we looked like – not like Disney’s little mermaid! ”


      • I’ve got your comments in my email download in Thunderbird. I’m going to collate a reply in a text file and if it’s not too long, I’ll then post it here. If it grows too much, I’ll post it on your Blogger page, OK?


    • Magnificent comment. Ive read the whole thing now.
      I’m not going to put my belief in ANYTHING now after what you’ve said.
      God, Yahweh, genocidal murder, very interesting.

      There are many mindblowing directions trains of thought my mind could go in here, but ill just ask this:

      What was so desirable about Tiamat, or it being a threat, for them to want to destroy it? And by continuance, our earth now? They didn’t do the full job with 100% destroying Tiamat. SO is this why now we have all the chemtrails, GMOs, vaccines, wars, wanton attempts at environmental destruction, psychopaths run amok, industrial scale organised padeophila trafficking?

      – One other question ShaTara – It seems obvious the worldwide Satanist elite worship Saturn the black cube. It seems too, perhaps not that long ago a few 1000 yrs maybe. Saturn used to be our Sun and all planets were in a coaxial orbit, like beads on a string.
      When you were one of the Mer pseudo humans, do you remember Saturn being the Sun? What colour was the sky?
      And when you were a Mer human, was deep attachment and falling in love with another possible?

      Liked by 1 person

    • ” Having said that, should we discount anything coming “from a Jew” by assuming that all Jews are de-facto Israelites, and Zionists with an agenda of world conquest and control? Hmmmm…. Aren’t we now falling into the same trap as the Nazis? ”

      – Yes, Despite the huge inherency criminality, lies, deceptions, and its been Jews who set up the Tavistock in London kurt lewin I believe and others. I think its wrong to assume that every single jew in a community, who works a normal job, has a wife and young family. Are all evil Satanists. This cannot be true.

      – Many jews such as this, are just born into the system and cant be blamed, and are used as fodder, such as during WW2 by the elite jews, The 6 million Holocaust it seems is a lie though, is my best assessment. . But I have serious misgivings, sensing their ‘religion’, is satanic at its heart. Yes you might say, Christianity is too, all religions maybe are. But my sense is theres something deeply insane and wrong with the jewish faith, and its sought to infiltrate and take over Christianity and even the Vatican has been taken over which is why the Pope wheres a yarmulke, and the Jesuits are crypto Jews, The Saudi al saud royals are crypto jews, Archbishop of Canterbury is a crypto Jew and comes from a completely criminal family. And Rockefellers too it seems are crypto Jews, ans of course Rothschilds. So it seems somewhere. We have a Jewish problem and situation on our hands. https://aim4truth.org/2017/02/28/the-jewish-question-answered/

      – However, its a powerful point to say. I think its Yehudi Menhuins son, has written a book, exposing the lies of elite international Jewry that has been mass brainwashing on us all in 20th century, and a massive guilt trip. They re the Troublemakers that stay under the radar. The HolocaustTM only came on the scene in the 1960s according to Brother Nathaneal. Sorry my point is though, obviously ordinary Jews seem to be just as much a part of Satanic evil system brainwashing as the rest of us. Nathaneal and Msnuhin have broken free http://www.richardpresser.com/wordpress/the-son-of-the-violinist-yehudi-menuhin-a-jew-reveals-the-holocaust-was-a-lie/

      – WW2 not only did GHWBushes father Sheldon finance the Nazis, so did the Rockefellers, and I’m sure other powerful American families too. Theres convincing evidence ive read too, that H9itler attended the Tavistock in London in 1912, Stalin did circa then too. Hitlers ascent from obscurity was Rothschild arranged and Hitler was a Rothschild just like his daughter Angela Merkel.

      Whats my point here ShaTara? That in my view, its very very simplistic, and falls into the trap of globalist elite lies. To label Nazis as ‘bad’, and the Allies as ‘good’. Eisenhower and Churchill were the most evil bastards, and all seemed to be on the same team, to further some satanic NWO aim of remodelling the world. Though factional differences may well have been going on between deep state Empires, perhaps British East India Company Empire (infested with Jews), and new money American Germanic jews such as Rockefellers. Then we have Italian deep state nobility, with Persian origins it seems.

      It seems much of WW2 aims was jewish aims to destroy the Germanic race. Eisenhower AFTER WW2 created open air camps and caused the death of 3 million german men women and children.
      The 1917 jewish Bolshevik funded Russian revolution and resulting 60 million genocide of white Christians and the hideous evil Satanic wanton unnecessary evil of the Jewish Bolsheviks never gets spoken about in the MSM

      Instead we have the 6 million Holocaust TM propaganda lie rammed down our throats instead.

      Sorry for throwing all these thoughts at you.

      Our reality is a mess, I’m just trying to ….establish and make sense and state my best sense of what truth I can make out. ELite Nazis and elite Jews it seems were one and the same, and all Sataists I think.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Mind still blown. Reaching for a Peroni lager to help me cope.

      ” It was called Tiamat. A watery world inhabited by strange, large but peaceful creatures, the forebears of earth’s dinosaurs and whales. There also was a race of pseudo-humans: the mer people, who lived in the waters of Tiamat. I remember a life as one of those in many amazing details and I can easily described what we looked like – not like Disney’s little mermaid ”

      Was this before the book of enoch, and before the Anunaki arrived, meddling in human DNA? Was Tiamats destruction a result of interstellar intergalactic interdimensional wars, when malevolent interdimensional travellers arrived and Tiamat got blown up, and the Asteroid belt is the remnants of Tiamat?
      Therefore is Earth now a semi destroyed disfigured 3D chunk or what was Tiamat? If so ShaTara, Tiamat must have been pretty supermassive. So our earth remnant now, appears flat.

      – Is the asteroid belt real and a remnant of Tiamat?
      – Ive read that Ceres, from I think Joselh Farrells Giza death star, theres evidence Ceres asteroid , was part of Tiamats deep ocean, your home. Can the NASA Ceres images be trusted though?
      My thinking was, the bright lights on Ceres were SSP colonies.


      If I was in Canada now I would seriously want to take you for a few beers!

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  3. I tried doing a point-by-point reply to your many questions only to realize, once again, that I cannot. It’s not where my mind is at and quite frankly all that hidden/underhanded stuff happening on planet earth since prehistorical times doesn’t hold my attention for very long. I’d suggest firing those questions on the blogs where people “specialize” in these matters. If you ask me one (1) specific question then I’ll probably be able to work out an answer for you – likely not satisfactorily though. All these questions you ask simply “disappear” from a mind open to the cosmos. We won’t destroy the Time Lords and there minions and legions of believers by finding their weaknesses, or exposing their lies – they want you to do just that so they can manufacture new lies, with new angles and leave you wondering why the swamp didn’t drain, but got deeper and muckier. Self empowerment means to rise above those questions with their hundreds of true and false answers leading to hundred more questions that confuse rather than clarify. Never mind the trees, or even the forest: rise above both and live!!!
    You asked about Tiamat though, and I do have a snippet of information here for you:
    You asked: “What was so desirable about Tiamat, or it being a threat, for them to want to destroy it? And by continuance, our earth now?”
    Feminine energy; feminine power. That has always been a threat to the Time Lord’s hegemony over this universe. How many people know that Lucifer was a woman, a queen whose peaceful kingdoms comprising several solar systems, were conquered by the Time Lords and she was made a captive, then a slave consort of the head honcho? She was never an “archangel” but oh yes, she did eventually start a massive rebellion in “heaven” but lost. The Bible says she was “cast down to the earth” but the chronology is deliberately messed up. She was cast down to this solar system, a roiling, boiling cauldron of proto-planetary matter (hell!) as a punishment since she would no longer serve, nor could they trust her. So with the matter at hand (no pun intended) she and her people, along with all the “sons of God” who had fallen in love with the Luciferian females and had rebelled against their rulers, proceeded to create another peaceful “heaven” out of this place. Eventually her power grew and the jealousy of the tyrannical “Lords” rose against her. They decided to destroy her work and they attacked her newly fashioned home world: Tiamat. That Tiamat wasn’t totally destroyed is also part of the agenda of evil: earth would be used to foster misogyny and racism. Did that work out? Hmmm…

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thankyou for this amazing fascinating glimpse into Tiamats and Earths and our galactic history Shatara. Which gives me loads to think about.

      With regards the first part of your comment. Ive sensed this for a while and been told this by a few, I cannot beat ‘the enemy’ by continual pressing and exposure of their lies. I suppose I need to think more cosmically and rise above it and live.

      Its hard though when I look around. And worry not trying to take action in whatever small ways I can, will play into their hands too. I assumed part of what Spiritual War means, is that good angtels and spirits are working through us, prompting us, giving divine inspiration and nudges, and information and strength, if we pray and ask for it.

      I think youre right though there comes a point I need to get off the rollercoaster. And look for a different fairground ride.

      Saying this though. Have you seen this Mercola article? Surely we mustn’t ignore this amazing weapon of fightback

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      • It is impossible for me, with a lifetime experience and good memory, to ignore that evidence when I read about smart meters, for example. Throughout the development of our technology, there has been fear mongering. In my lifetime (and I am probably missing a few here) there have been the “great anti-tech” scares. White bread was going to decimate the population. Fluoride: your teeth would rot and fall out; margarine, of course, was deadly (meanwhile people were brainwashed to consume large amounts of dairy products!), picture tubes on the first TV’s would destroy eyesight; transistor radios close to the body: cancer; microwave ovens: more cancer; cell phones: more cancer; microwave towers: cancer; schools near power lines: massive outbreaks of cancer; now: smart appliances: nefarious surveillance technology… and smart meters: more deadly tech. (Cars still hold #1 position for killer of choice – but who is talking about that? Few, because cars are either a necessity, mean jobs, or are a necessary status symbol the the N. American society.)
        The thing is, there is truth in all of those claims of course, but there are also a lot of lies, a lot of myth, and a lot of agendas vying for control of the sheeple group-think… What is seldom mentioned, since it takes longer to determine, is how fast the Earthian body is adapting to all of that – and it is doing a pretty good job of it, if mine is any indication.
        Bottom line, unless the one doing the warning is her/himself living completely off-grid and not using any of the nefarious technology, s/he is a hypocrite with a personal agenda of control through fear. I don’t do fear. I do try to do common sense. My house has a smart meter, although it isn’t that smart: if I asked it to give me information on next week’s weather there would be no answer. Even if I asked it to help me invest wisely in electrical power, still no answer, and wouldn’t that be its specialty? Not so smart, eh? 🙂 I will say this to those who fear “Big Brother” snooping: obey the important laws, and live a quiet, simple life. Fill it with compassion and try to understand your neighbour. Give help where you can, and allow your tears to flow when you wish you could but realize your limitations. If BB comes for you after that, what difference does it make if you practice your compassion on the streets or in a prison camp, or jail? This world is already a mind prison and the only way out, or parole, is through the death door. Nobody is going anywhere, no matter how little or how much money or power they have. Actually those who have the least are the most likely to be paroled sooner… There, now I’m off the soap box. Time for shut-eye.

        Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Sha Tara. Its amazing for me to imagine. What loads and loads of memories from past lives you must hold in your mind. The brain is clearly a huge storage device for past life memories. Or, you access your past life memories difect fromt he Akashic Records library.
      Which as the puzzle pieces are fitting in more. Someone very interesting I saw on youtube (cant remember who he was), plus other things.
      Ive heard too that the ‘planets’, are storage devices, up above us, for human consciousness.

      I’m disturbed to acknowledge therefore. That I’m wondering if what NASA have told us is lies, and the planets aren’t physical solid places we can walk on. NASA BS ILLUSION.

      I’m wondering too if todays Cassini probe the news have entujsiastically reported. Saturn being a solid planet and its Moons, are lies. Ill leave this train of thought here. But what the BBC are telling me today about Saturn and Cassini, I do not trust.

      Changing subject. I think you are a very advanced, cosmically advanced, person with lots of knowledge and seeing the reality today for the BS that it is. And I like your powerful style and perspective, that we are much bigger than the Smartmeters and other BS stuff the cabal throw at us. And rise above it.

      Unfortunately though, I’m not as cosmically advanced as you are, plus I have no memory of any of my past tives.
      So as far as Smartmwters, or mandatory vaccines, etc, especially if I had children and Government was going to force a Smartmeter in the house. I’m sorry I couldn’t share your view and id have to fight back with all my might.

      Smartmeters are bad for us all but are really bad for children and promote sterility, amongt other goodies . I cannot help but react violently from my core Sha Tara, I don’t like the Deep State slying Smartmeres on me. Very sly evil operators indeed.


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