One comment on “Prehistoric Advanced Civilization: Is This The Evidence?

  1. This is an excellent article. Some of these datings, and finds, validate my own theory that billions of years ago, pre-earth, the planet Tiamat ‘ruled’ this system and was politically declared “the enemy” by forces aligned to our current visible sun. Subsequently, Tiamat was attacked and eventually partially destroyed. Here’s the interesting part. Tiamat had a flourishing natural environment and was a very large watery world. When it was destroyed, some 4.5 billion years ago (give or take) part of T was shattered and became the asteroid belt and part of T became the lesser world now known as Earth. Tiamat’s main satellite, Kingu, was also “killed” and became Earth’s over-sized moon. Much of Tiamat’s water was flung into space and settled upon the outer planets. Now then, some of Tiamat’s life survived on Earth, explaining many “mysteries” of strange creatures and formations, including underwater cities which existed on Tiamat, many archeological sites, and unexplainable constructs. And of course Earth was visited and occupied many times by various “alien” races over its billions of years. Earthians of today are very late comers, and a far cry from their predecessors in terms of intelligence and understanding. They’re quite silly creatures actually, but then they were deliberately designed to be, and remain, ignorant. What they were not designed to be was stupid. That they accomplished all by themselves. Pretty awesome accomplishment. Should we give the numbnuts a standing ovation considering they’re doing all in their power to destroy their only world, and themselves in the process, thus taking deliberate stupidity to the nth degree.


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