2 comments on “Why does General Flynn hate Iran?

  1. I don’t know the details, but I would guess all of this has to do with a very old grudge between “Khazarians” and Persians. These bozos and greedy idiots, like Flynn, are just dupes. It should never be assumed that they actually speak for themselves regardless of how aggressive or angry they seem to be. They get very wealthy doing what they’re told and get opportunities and access to other “fringies” that others don’t get. I doubt ordinary Israelis even fully understand what’s at the root of all of this. The propaganda I guess is very convincing because it pushes their buttons, as well as the buttons of American evangelical “Christians” and others.

    The whole military ideology is sick and sickening, and just promotes the nonsense of blind order following and submitting to false authority.

    As an American, I really don’t appreciate being put in the middle of this Israel vs. Iran situation and don’t know why any American would want to be involved in it, unless they are greedy idiots without morals or ethics.

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