10 comments on “The working class and socialism

  1. A great article that hints at real change instead of the Ocasio-Cortez-Sanders cover-up malarkey. Nothing short of total revolution against the elites and banksters can ever change anything.

    Liked by 1 person

    • There never was any ”Wild West”, the American ”War of Independence” and history is not at all how theyve said. And magnificent Tartarian architecture was already in San Francisco.It was a different kind of civilisation where money didnt exist
      Goodbye Blue Sky
      1 week ago
      If you go to practically any State , county, city or village, throughout The US, you will find the same story,
      and very similar timelines.(with the exception of some cities on the east coast- NY, Phila, Wash DC)
      They were “organized” around 1810 – 1820, They become incorporated around 1820
      1830 and by 1855-1860 they are FULL BLOWN places. Cities are already laid out, Most have electric
      trolleys or street cars, They have huge telephone poles (larger than today), Metal rods on all the buildings,
      Very large, gorgeous, structures, dozens of “churches”, Banks, and State/ County Capital buildings.After 1850, there is just an explosion of citizens. Something just does not add up compared with what we are told and taught. These places go from supposedly having small log cabin buildings and saw mills to European style castles.
      I would encourage everyone, …to do a search of your County,
      and the cities /towns within it….and you will see it for yourself

      1 week ago
      It is the same story in Australia. Even small country towns with tiny populations have the same story. Truly undeniable in my eyes that we are being lied to on a scale most will never be able to comprehend.

      Charlie Jeans
      1 week ago
      @Balker hey, I just did a few vids of Melbourne and country NSW, near Bathurst. Got one vid that is the holy grail, an electrical device on the roof of a church working. The aerial is found in 400 year old pictures every Where around the world, don’t know how this one survived, but it was recently refurbished with brass ribbon.

      Planet Amnesia
      1 week ago
      Maybe without the Federal Reserve and the banksters stealing the people’s wealth, workers were naturally buoyant and hard working with old world skills. Maybe in a society that had less government and was open and ambitious, led to an amazing dedication that created beauty and majesty in all that it could produce. We have forgotten that such a society is possible to live in. Now that we are so dumbed down and lazy we think the builders must have been aliens or were a missing race. We’ve come a long way down the ladder in less than 200 years. That’s been the plan all along. Now we get to squabble over basic facts that should be self apparent. We live in an insane asylum. Nobody will agree on anything anymore, so enjoy this house of mirrors until it shatters. See you on the other side…


    • Soulful Truth
      1 week ago

      The Irish Famine began in 1845 and continued until 1849 with a million people fleeing while another million dropped dead – of the million who fled, perhaps half a million went to London and surrounding areas ( Prince Albert bragged that his rents had “quintupled” meaning he was earning five times what he was getting prior to the fake famine which the greedy hybrids engineered ) … we’re told about half a million Irish fled to the usa … this massive migration of people contributed to the cities suddenly bursting in population as the labor force quintupled … rough estimates … we’ve been lied to about history, we’ve been lied to about the technologies of the past, we’ve been lied to about the historical, biblical and geological timelines, we’ve been lied to about politics, economics, government, chemistry, geology, volcanology, glaciology … the parasites that control our world have lied, deceived, manipulated, exploited, raped and murdered since the beginning of time which wasn’t as long ago as the people have been told.

      The ice ages are fiction, pangaea is fiction, continental drift is fiction, the timeline from ice cores is fiction, “millions of years ago is fiction” and so on. Julius Caesar and Cleopatra didn’t live thousands of years ago – neither did Ptolemy and Alexander the Great, neither did Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, King Solomon, King David, Moses, Jacob, Abraham or Noah… you’ve been lied to about all that … the timeline was artificially elongated because if you knew the true timeline, you’d know the true identity of the parasitic hybrid billionaires, their millionaire minions and their billions of underlings that lie, steal, rape and murder because they have no conscience, they feel no guilt, no remorse, no compassion and no empathy because they are not humans – they look human but only because of the influx of human DNA down through the generations but their ancestors were not humans – this is documented in the old literature from across the world – we also have the illustrations of the hybrids from the 1400’s and 1500’s and we have some of their skulls, skeletons and mummies

      – so we know they are evil incarnate, we know who their ancestors were and we know they will soon be eradicated from our Earth – please be advised that all the major cataclysms are documented in historic records – including the cataclysms that broke and subducted tectonic plates, the cataclysms that formed the ocean trenches, the cataclysms that formed the mountain ranges, the cataclysms that formed the ocean waters and so on – none of this is a mystery and none of this occurred millions or billions of years ago – none of it occurred thousands of years ago either – not easy to get your head around this but when you admit you’re being dumbed down, drugged up, poisoned, drugged and programmed with lies and lunacy across the full spectrum of deception, you can set aside the programming and look beyond the prison of lies to see the conspicuous evidence. Thank you for your comments.


      • I’ll say this in reply, that I always “knew” (at least in this life which is soon ending for me, no regrets) that we have been living in a kind of sci-fi bubble of bullshit; that our technology is manufactured, not invented and that Velikovsky’s timeline on catastrophism is the closest we currently have to the truth as it relates to “time”. I’ve also known that “time” is pure fiction, an invention for control no different than banksterism is predatory capitalism’s magic wand.

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    • adamspiritualwarrior says:
      February 11, 2019 at 2:51 PM
      Another example of the World Fair being used as an excuse to demolish great architecture was the Chicago Worlds Fair of 1893. Once again these buildings look as if they came straight out of Atlantis. This so called fair was the size of a small city.
      https://i.imgur.com/R6mCycy.jpg (We are supposed to believe all this was built just to be used for a couple months and then demolished)


    • The Blue Current matter called “science” is a fraud created by dishonest pseudo ”scientists” by order of their masters.

      When knights and princes of Gaul, who belonged to Tartary, were betrayed, defeated and massacred by mercenaries commanded by the British and French “gray eminences”, their lands, estates and castles were taken and the “unified” territory was named “France” in 1870 and became part of the newly born German Empire headed by the strongman Bismarck.

      From then on, through the invention of the nonexistent French Revolution of 1789 – which actually happened in the 19th century with the legitimate popular revolt against the tyranny and crimes of Napoleon III and his masters from the Anglo-German alliance and was harshly repressed with Krupp cannons pointed against the people – some French collaborated closely with their British lords to cover up the gigantic historical fraud and consolidate the seizure of power effected in the 20th century, as well as eliminate all traces of our Pre-Flood civilization.

      For this, they did not hesitate to invent the character “Albert Einstein”, represented by an unknown French Duke de Broglie, to obscure and annul all previous scientific knowledge and to launch an ocean of academic fraud designed to hide the sophisticated technology of High Civilization that preceded us. Even today, these Gray Men command the French nation and put in government a puppet who likes to go hand in hand with his own father, a French billionaire disguised under a blonde wig, with some plastic surgeries, who smiles a lot and carries the name of Brigitte.



  2. The Blue Yes. A war between worlds. There are many other worlds. Russian writers cite weapons capable of melting rocks and leaving them black, as in Yakutia, Russia. Below I give the link to these awesome photos. The enemy had weapons capable of launching a chemical “foam” with a stone texture to cover the remains of our ancient civilization. And also able to form storms that poured tons of sand over old cities in Africa and turned forests into deserts. Earth did not have the current extremes of temperature. The temperature was mild in Siberia and Greenland, and there were hundreds of cities that disappeared from the maps as well as Africa. In Africa there is a lake called Victoria that does not exist on previous maps. And in the Yakutia region there are 800,000 craters of bombs that the flood waters have turned into lakes in their passage. Those who rule the world today would be just foremen of these enemies of Humanity.

    The Blue Mark “Twain” in the lab of “Nikola Tesla”, early 1894.
    “Twain” means mercury.
    The mark of mercury…
    And all this “genius” and “great inventors” are fake.
    Non existant people.
    Before them there was a high technology that was purposely destroyed. Everything they’ve “invented” has existed before.


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