One comment on “53 Million Americans Drowning In Cycle Of Low-Wage Work

  1. Now would be a good time to reason why that is. How long has “America” forced much worse conditions upon the rest of the world, gobbling and wasting what was extorted? The chickens always come home to roost. Make friends with evil and evil will come and live with you. I shed no tears for the plight of Americans, they all pledged allegiance and that’s for better and for worse. If they want to bitch, go do it to Central Americans, Chileans, Koreans, Vietnamese, Filipinos, Iraqis, Libyans, Syrians, Somalians, Cubans, and… and, the list is practically endless of those America has plundered, raped and murdered with impunity over the last century and into this one. Once the good times fueled by the blood of the poor and oppressed of the 3rd world rolled on. Now they no longer do so… sad.


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