One comment on “Why Europe has Been Paying for American Sins?

  1. If “European” governments are so concerned about terrorism linked to IS, why are they allowing ex-IS murderers to freely return from the Middle East after their “tour of duty” supposedly as enemies of freedom and democracy and blah, blah? Why aren’t they immediately interned, jailed or executed? What’s wrong with this picture? So you turn the telescope around the right way, and surprise: IS is a legitiate arm of the CIA and the WarHouse because the US can now only exist within a global war economy totally reliant on the sale of military hardware. Thus is explained all the military hardware sold to Israel, the Saudis; the sabre-rattling on Russian and Chinese borders, and the increase in military spending to Japan, the Philippines, and Eastern Europe. Thus is explained the not so subtle arming of IS insurgents. 1984 in 2016: the state of perpetual war has arrived. Now we wait for someone to say, “Hm, I wonder if Russia is really going to retaliate if I push this little red button? How will we know if I don’t push it? And how will we know if our stuff is as good as the manufacturers claim it is? Better test it… 10…9…8…7…6…5…4…(Oh, this is SO exciting!)…3…

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