3 comments on “Poor Americans Skip Meals, Can’t Afford Power Bills, Miss Rent Payments, In Era Of ‘Bidenomics’

  1. It is extremely dangerous here in Zombieland AmeriKKKa. I was at the library the other day and a security guard was outside talking into a walkie talkie asking for help because someone stole a bike that was CHAINED to a bike rack and made off with it.

    They keep removing the tents of the homeless and the tents just pop up somewhere else. I don’t know what they expect people to do when they have nowhere to live. Now, they’re screeching about people pulling their pants down and shitting on the sidewalk. Everyone has to shit; homeless or housed, makes no difference. On America, the fat lady done sung and DIED!!

    Oh, and AmeriKKKa is hiring shit scoopers if anyone is interested. Good pay, bad stench.

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